Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


Lets Wag, a sole proprietary concern having its business premises at Food Arcade Chaat, 7, 701, Jade Vedant, Seth Bhagwan Das Narottamdas Road, Matunga East, Mumbai, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400019 (“Lets Wag”, “we”, “our” “us”).

Lets Wag is an E Commerce website which provides a diverse series of products related to pet accessories ranging from leashes, collars, harness and other pet associated products catering to the needs and requirements of the end customers. We are accessible under our brand name “Lets Wag” through website (“Platform”).

We respect the privacy of everyone who visits or uses the Platform. This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) describes the procedures for collecting, using, and disclosing Your information which You share with us for availing Products or accessing the Platform (“Personal Information”). This Privacy Policy shall be governed by the Terms of Use along with the Refund and Exchange policy of the Platform as updated from time to time. We recommend You to read this Privacy Policy so that You understand our approach towards the use of Your Personal Information.

We will not knowingly disclose Your Personal Information to third parties, except as provided in this Privacy Policy. We will take reasonable steps to protect the Personal Information We collect from You.

When You visit the Platform, You are not required to provide any Personal Information unless and until You choose to create an account and avail Products.

By accepting this Privacy Policy, You authorize the Platform to collect, store, use, disclose, retain and transfer Your Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

If you do any or all of the following, you indicate that you have read, understood, and agreed to this Privacy Policy:

  • explicitly accepting this Privacy Policy such as by ticking a checkbox;
  • accessing the Platform;
  • creating an account on the Platform;
  • accessing an account on the Platform;
  • placing an order or making a payment;
  • contacting the Platform
  • undertaking any other action that involves interacting with the Platform.


“Platform” shall mean website owned, operated and managed by Us.

“Products” shall mean different pet accessories related Products available on the Platform. Products includes without limitation:

  • Pet Leashes(Double Handle and Single Handle)
  • Pet Collars (Flat buckle, Martingale)
  • Pet harness
  • And other pet related products

“Users” or “You” or “Your” or “Yourself” shall mean customers who wish to purchase the Products through the Platform.


When a User creates an account over the Platform, this Privacy Policy comes into immediate effect with respect to User’s Personal Information collected by Us. We collect Personal Information from You that we consider necessary for achieving the purpose of providing You the services. In case You wish to simply browse through the Platform, We do not ask You for any Personal Information. When You create an account over the Platform or select any Product and proceed for the payment, we ask You Your personal details in order to serve you in our best capacity. Personal Information (“Personal Information”) which we collect during the process includes but is not limited to:

  • Full Name
  • Address where the delivery is expected
  • E-mail ID
  • Mobile Number
  • Payment details

User understands that User shall be solely responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the Personal Information shared with us. In the event the User is sharing any Personal Information on behalf of a third person, the User represents and warrants that he has the necessary authority to share such Personal Information with us and we shall not be responsible for verifying the same. The User understands and acknowledges that all Personal Information shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy.

We may collect Personal Information about your activity, such as date and time you logged in, features of our Platform that you’ve been using, searches, clicks and pages visited by you.


You shall give permission to this Platform in order to access your

  • Contact: Platform will need permission to your contact.
  • SMS: In order to verify the OTP sent for payment confirmation or for the activity of account creation, Platform will need permission to your SMS.


The Personal Information is collected and used to:

  • Deliver the Products ordered by You to your desired location.
  • provide and improve theProduct database.
  • monitor Your activity, such as keyword searches or new postings, and more effectively manage traffic on the
  • create and administer your accounts and to improve the quality of as well as your experience of the Platform and Services.
  • customize your experience.
  • assist You with technical
  • manage our relationship with
  • maintain and update our
  • enable You to receive information or notification of new arrivals through emails or
  • monitor suspected fraud, misconduct and unlawful activities on the

You agree that we may also use the Personal Information to contact You and deliver information to You that, in some cases, are targeted to Your interests, such as targeted User advertisements, offers, promotions, and communications relevant to Your use of the Platform.

By accepting this Privacy Policy, You expressly agree to receive this information. We have provided an option to decline the services relating to promotional emails and advertising notifications. In such case, You will not receive any notification regarding promotional activities and advertising emails.

Also, We may share with third-party service providers certain information, such as Your browser capabilities or operating system, that we have collected in order to better understand which advertisements and Products may interest You.

The Personal Information to the extent of the information required to dispatch the orders is shared with our delivery partners.

We will retain Your Personal Information as long as it is reasonably required or otherwise permitted or required by applicable law or regulatory requirements even after Your account is terminated. We may also retain Your Personal Information so long as it is necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected (including for purposes of meeting any legal, administrative, accounting, or other reporting requirements). We endeavor, Your Personal Information is safeguarded against inappropriate access and disclosure, as per this Privacy Policy. Please refer to our “Data retention” clause for more information regarding retention of information shared by You.


The Platform is not directed at anyone who We know to be under the age of 18, nor do We collect any personal information from anyone who We know to be under the age of 18. If You are under the age of 18 years, please do not use the service and do not submit any personal information to Us. In case You are under the age of 18 years and wish to use the Platform You should obtain prior permission from Your parents and guardians and you may use this Platform under parents or guardians observation.


We may set “cookies” on the use of the Platform by Users. Cookies are small encrypted files, that a site or its service provider transfers to Your computer’s hard drive through Your web browser that enables the site’s system to recognize Your browser and capture and remember certain information to enhance Your experience and cater to Your needs better. These cookies do not contain any of Your personally identifiable information. You may choose to disable the cookies using the settings in Your operating system of the device. However, if You do so, You may not be able to use the full functionality of Our Platform.


With due regards to the rules incorporated in the Privacy Policy, we may send, rent, share, distribute, lease or otherwise provide or disclose User’s Personal Information to third parties in the following circumstances –

  • Administrators –We may provide access to User’s Personal Information to any of our authorized administrator for an internal business purpose, who shall be under confidentiality obligations towards the 
  • Third-Party ApplicationsWe may share Your information to third party application, for example when You choose to access our Products through such an application. You understand and acknowledge that we are not responsible for the way those third parties use Your information, so You should make sure You trust the application and that it has a Privacy Policy acceptable to 
  • Joint Marketing Arrangements: Where permitted by law, we may provide Personal Information that we collect to joint marketers with whom we have a marketing arrangement,if  We shall require all joint marketers to have written contracts with us that specify appropriate use of Your Personal Information, require them to safeguard Your Personal Information, and prohibit them from making unauthorized or unlawful use of Your Personal Information.
  • PersonsWho Acquire Our Assets or Business: We may transfer your Personal Information if we are acquired by / we acquire or merge with another entity or transfer a part of our business, including the Platform to a third party. Any third party or resultant entity that receives your Personal Information pursuant to a merger, demerger or business transfer shall have the right to continue to use your Personal Information. In the event of such a sale or transfer, we reasonably notify you.
  • Formation Of A Company:We may transfer User’s Personal Information if we form any type of Company in future.
  • Legal and Regulatory Authorities: We may be required to disclose Your Personal Information due to legal or regulatory requirements. In such instances, we reserve the right to disclose Your Personal Information as required in order to comply with our legal obligations, including but not limited to complying with court orders, warrants, or discovery requests. We may also disclose Personal Information about our Users to law enforcement officers or others, in the good faith that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to enforce this Privacy Policy; respond to claims that any Personal Information violates the rights of third parties; or protect the rights, property, or personal safety of Platform, our Users or the general public. You agree and acknowledge that we may not inform You prior to or after disclosures made according to this
  • Service providers or business partners –We may use certain trusted third party and individuals to help us to provide, analyse, and improve the services or provide marketing, development or consulting services, data storage, payment processing and other features related to the service. These third parties may have access to your Personal Information only for the purposes of performing their respective tasks and are under obligations similar to those in this Privacy Policy. We may disclose your Personal Information to service providers who perform hosting services on our behalf.
  • Testimonials – We may publish any testimonials that you have provided about the Platform or Services and such testimonials and other marketing, promotions and advertisements may include your Personal Information that you have provided to us.

Notwithstanding anything mentioned hereinabove, we shall not be responsible for the actions or omissions of the parties (including but not limited to the entities listed above) with whom the Personal Information is shared, nor shall we be responsible and/or liable for any additional information which User may choose to provide directly to any third party.


We have created algorithms or may create algorithms and partially artificial intelligence that may predict your preferences, choices, needs, likes and interests. These patterns are derived from observation and analysis of your usage, thus it may not be complete, accurate, comprehensive or correct, but it may lead or help us to provide better service to You or understand You to offer better service.


We will retain Your Personal Information as needed to provide You the best User experience. We may retain and use Your Personal Information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements. Please note, however, that there might be a latency in deleting Personal Information from our servers. Data may still reside on backed-up versions after deletion. In addition, we do not delete from our servers’ files that You have in common with other users.


We value Your Personal Information; we will ensure an adequate level of protection. We have therefore implemented technology and policies with the objective of protecting Your Personal Information from unauthorized access and improper use and will update these measures as new technology becomes available, as appropriate. All Personal Information is securely stored with shared hosting server. As a matter of security, we take back-up of systems periodically. Although we provide appropriate firewalls and protections, our systems are not hack proof. Data pilferage due to unauthorized hacking, virus attacks, technical issues is possible, and we take no liabilities or responsibilities for it.

You are responsible for all actions of Your User account and password. Therefore, we do not recommend that You disclose Your password to any third party. If You choose to share Your user account and password or any Personal Information with third parties, You are solely responsible for the same. If You lose control of Your password, You may lose substantial control over Your Personal Information and may be subject to legally binding actions.


We are interested in your views, and we value the Feedback (defined below) we receive from you. However, we do not have control or are responsible for any such Feedback or the Personal Information which you make available through the Platform. We encourage you to be careful regarding the Personal Information you disclose in this way.

Subject to any applicable law, any communication or feedback sent by you to the Platform (including without limitation testimonials, reviews, comments, contents, feedback etc. collectively “Feedback”) is on a non-confidential basis, and we are under no obligation to refrain from reproducing, publishing or otherwise using it in any way or for purpose. We can use the feedback including without limitation any ideas, inventions, concepts, techniques or know-how disclosed therein, for any purpose including without limitation developing, manufacturing and/or marketing services.

You agree that you will not assert any ownership right of any kind in the Feedback (including without limitation copyright, patent, trademark, unfair competition, moral rights, or implied contract) and you hereby irrevocably waive the right to receive any financial or other consideration in connection with the Feedback, including without limitation acknowledgment of you as the source of the Feedback.


We may automatically collect non-personal information about You such as the type of internet browsers You use or the platform from which You linked to our Platform. We may also aggregate details which You have submitted to the Platform (for example, Your age your pet and your requirements). You cannot be identified from this information, and it is only used to assist us in providing an effective service on this Platform. We may from time to time supply third parties with this non-personal or aggregated Information in connection with the Platform.

The details related to the aggregation of orders shall be used for our reference. But the details of individual orders shall not be used by us. For example – for the analysis of yearly orders placed by one shopper, the data shall be used by us.


In case You need to access, remove, review, and/or make changes to the Personal Information that You have provided to us, You can directly do the changes by yourself by changing Your account credentials including but not limited to adding or changing your name/address/mobile number the case may be.


You may wish to participate in social media avenues on our Platform. The main aim of the social media platform is to facilitate and allow You to share content. You may note that personal information shared by You on social media may be open and available to the public at large and the Platform will not have any control on its viewership. However, we cannot be held responsible if You share Personal Information on Social Media platform that is subsequently used, misused or otherwise appropriated by another user.


We exclusively develop our logos, concepts and ideas for use in advertising, promotion, public relations and whatever else is appropriate to promote our services. You are not allowed to misuse, steal any of our creations, logos, and also not use any of our creations appearing on the Platform for any purposes, otherwise the act may attract penal action.


In addition to the indemnification commitment provided in Terms of Use, User agrees to indemnify us, our partners, affiliates, officers, agents and employees and hold us harmless from and against any claims and demand, including reasonable attorney’s fees, made by any third party due to arising out of or relating to:

  • accuracyand correctness of Personal Information and contents that User submits or shares through the Platform;
  • User’s violation of this PrivacyPolicy;

User’s violation of any rights of another User.


All rights not expressly granted in this Privacy Policy are reserved by us. Nothing contained in this Privacy Policy shall be construed as conferring by implication, estoppels or otherwise any license or right under any copyright, patent, trademark or other intellectual property right of Lets Wag or any other person or to User.


Platform will not be liable for any damages, direct or indirect, incidental or consequential, and all liabilities (including for negligence, loss or damage such as loss of revenue, unavailability of system or loss of data and loss of Your Personal Information) and for use of or inability to use Products of any kind that is offered or to provide indemnity or any other remedy to You or any third party. We make reasonable efforts to ensure that the Platform is free from defects or viruses. It is your responsibility to ensure that you use the correct devices for accessing and using the Platform and to protect from anything that may damage it.


This Privacy Policy is governed by the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules 2011, which is designed to protect Personal Information, other relevant laws, and policies of Platform. This Privacy Policy is governed by and construed according to the laws of India, the acceptance of the Privacy Policy shall be deemed to have been given at Mumbai and the courts in Mumbai shall have exclusive jurisdiction to entertain any proceedings in any way relating to or concerning this Privacy Policy or any rights, duties, obligations or liabilities arising there under to the exclusion of all other courts in India.


From time to time we may make changes to this Privacy Policy. If we make any substantial changes to this Privacy Policy and the way in which we use Your Personal Information, we will post these changes on this page and it shall be Your responsibility to be aware of any significant changes. Please check our Privacy Policy on a regular basis.


If You have questions or concerns or grievances regarding this Privacy Policy, You can email us regarding any grievance at [email protected].